Message of Hope

Orphaned at the age of 6 years old in Genocide against Tutsi in 1994, Today Mukamudenge smiles again
Building Resilience for Survivors of the Genocide Against Tutsi. Ikirezi Family/ CBS-Aheza Project.
You will never be forgotten while i am still alive | A Film by GAERG

Kongera kubaka Umuryango wari waragambiriye kurimburwa muri Jenoside yakorewe Abatutsi.

AERG GAERG Week 2016: The Highlights of Activities at Nyanza -Kicukiro Genocide Memorial Site.

The message of Hope – Esther Mujawayo

The message of Hope – Emmanuel Rekeraho

Message of Hope – Marie Claire Musabyemariya

Message of Hope – Darling Abandibakobwa

Message of Hope – Albert Bagenzi